Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011 recap

We had a pretty amazing Thanksgiving! Spending it with Hubby's family at the lake... We were so lucky to get to spend time with all of Meme's siblings (the Tillman Family!). We have not seen all of her siblings at once since our wedding six years ago! We had the best food ALL weekend long! We basically had TWO Thanksgivings, one Thursday and another on Friday. WOW! And we had the most perfect weather! We had so many people we were counting on being able to have family eat outside on the deck and we did! Gorgeous! This was the sight Thanksgiving morning....
 We know what we are getting Tillman for Christmas! His very own football. As the guys were tossing, or shall I say rifling it at each other, Tillman didnt take his eyes off of the ball. He wanted to throw it too... or in this case, just hold it.
 While the guys were outside, Reese was helping out in the kitchen, something she loves to do! There is Meme in the background putting the last finishing touches on the turkey, while Aunt Tricia patiently lets Reese scoop out the biscuits.
 Tillman cracks me up in this picture! He looks like he is busting out of his shirt and pants. Too much turkey for this little guy!

 Reese was sooooo excited to have cousins Carter, Avery (below) and Morgan come over! Hubby has two cousins on his father's side and we were thrilled to have them all over! Carter & Avery are several months older than Reese and it's wonderful to have them all get together. They enjoyed playing rockets, playing in the kayaks, playing on the swings, running around, but mostly playing with the rockets!
 This picture cracks me up because it's so typical of three year olds. "Let's all get together for a picture." And then they are all doing thier own thing... I love how Carter is still looking through the binoculars!

 We got one!!!
 The following picture is of my Hubby's mom and siblings... Also her precious Aunt Jean is in the middle with her two children as well. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family!


Anonymous said...

HEY KIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trying to type on a laptop for first time in 7 years...but..Very Grateful to have INTERNET AGAIN!!! THIS PIC IS A "MUST PRINT" FOR ALL OF US!!! YOU ARE THE BEST! BE SURE....somehow...we all get this...