Monday, April 14, 2008

Flashback 1971

New look... It's to commemorate their first store in Pike Place Market in Seattle which opened in 1971. They had this logo.
The DECAF (don't worry mom) Grande Mocha got me out of bed this morning. It's unseasonably COLD today in Atlanta. What's up with that? It's SPRING, the MASTERS just concluded, everything is in BLOOOM, there is POLLEN everywhere, BASEBALL is underway... there is no time for COLD weather! The last time we had this record breaking cold weather was around the time Starbucks sported this logo! Can you tell I can't tolorate the cold??? Im wearing a turtleneck sweater and socks today with my box of tissues by my side, YUK! I think I need to go to Starbucks again or at least back to my warm bed.