Thursday, September 18, 2008

Boobs, Ankles and a good haircut.... least I have that going for me. My boobs and ankles are the only parts of my body I am satisfied with. Sure, I'm impressed/thankful/amazed that my body carried and birthed another human being. But now that that's over with, body-reality has set in. I'M FAT! There is not one pair of pre-pregnancy pants that fit around my arse! Not, a one! It's really depressing to rifle through my closet each morning with the hope of fitting into something. "Oh surely my 'go-to fat pants' will fit"... NOPE! "Oh, then certainly my baggy linen pants will fit." NOPE AGAIN!
I know what you are saying, give yourself a break and focus on the positives. Ok... boobs and ankles. A girl can get a lot of mileage out of those body parts. Boobs got bigger with breastfeeding, so that's a plus, but won't last forever. And the ankles, formerly: Cankles, went down, WAY down from the tree trunks I had during month 7, 8 & 9 of pregnancy. Those ankle curves I am happy about, the curves everywhere else is what concerns me!
I am a woman of action and at the 6-week mark since the C-section, I am on the move. I plan to walk everyday. I am meeting a girlfriend every Tuesday morning at Chastain to walk with our little ones. Kate and Reese are just 7 days apart!! The other days, I will meet up with other friends or just take Reese and I out. Then my school has a Weight Watchers group starting next week. I have never participated in my life (perhaps that's the reason I am here in the first place). Hopefully, I will learn how to eat better. Gone are the nights of hotwings! Damn! And then I'll start running after I can walk around the 3 mile loop at Chastain without using Reese's spit cloth as my sweat towel!
So, there it is Kim... it's in print. I HAVE to do this now! I really do have to get back into shape. I'm actually looking forward to it... getting my old body back. Again... motherhood is not for sissies!!


Anonymous said...

I thought you looked GREAT when I saw you and that was a month ago. And as you said, 'give yourself a break' you just gave birth! It will come off, just give it some time. Geez, 6 weeks is nothin'. with your active life, you'll be back in biz soon enough.

Susan D. said...

I agree with you - I love my ankles. I think I had forgotten what they really looked like. I did the good haircut, but am overdue for the color. Still not sure about the boob thing ... none of my old tops fit due to them, but I guess they are fun to have!