Friday, November 7, 2008

back to reality...

Well, reality is about to set in again in my life.... I'm going back to work. What am I going to do with this precious, perfect daughter of mine, you ask? Yep, daycare... The whole thought of it has not hit me until this week. This week being my last week with her.... well being with her all day. I'm going to miss our times together during the day. Maternity leave is just too short. (Canadians get a whole year off and it's paid - but that's another post for another day) I practiced yesterday dropping her off to daycare which is a little church a half mile away from where I teach and close to home as well. She stayed a few hours while I went into my school to see where my sub had left off. I do it again this morning.... My sister asked if it was sad dropping her off. Yeah, kinda, but I was in detective mode when I was dropping her off. Checking out EVERYTHING.... where the kids were, who was sleeping, what kinds of toys, what did the linens look like on the crib, what caregiver was holding who, how old were the rest of the kids, oh... look, that one can sit up all by herself... I wonder when Reese will be able to do that, was there dirt in the floor, did the kids look happy, will she have tummy time, are the swings clean.... all the while listening to the teacher telling me where Reese's cubby is and where to put her diapers and bottles. So, no, I didn't have time to get sad. Maybe today, when I drop her off. I think the main thing I'm worried about is change and not the Obama kind... change in my schedule, will I be able to get everything done in a day? Add the responsibilities of my job with caring for my child...Will I still be a good mom? Just as I was getting the swing of this new mom-gig, things change! You may be saying, "yeah, sister, welcome to mommy-hood!" I know, I know... it will all work out. :)

I gotta go and drop little Reese off at her new school. I can't forget a change of clothes and her bottle! Gotta go!


From the desk of... said...

I know its hard, but it will all work out. She & you will be just fine.