Wednesday, January 21, 2009

great timing...

This morning while I was making my second trip to the car with my ump-teenth bag on my shoulder, on the way to work, I was thinking, "Man, this breast-feeding thing is getting to be a bit much!" I almost forgot my pump-bag and was thinking how much it would stink if I forgot it! (For those of you who have breastfed before, you know what it's like when you have gone a while without breastfeeding or pumping. OUCH!) Having these thoughts does not make me want to stop, it just makes me realize (again) that it's a lot sometimes... a lot of extra stuff, a lot of planning, a lot of patience, a lot of everything...
So, anyway, I just got our weekly email from Northside Hospital (where I delivered) and they congratulated me on making it to the sixth-month-mark on breastfeeding. Yea, it was a blanket email and they don't personally know me, but it was a good feeling to be congratulated anyway! And what great timing. I'm off to pump....


kristi said...

I am so proud of you! 6 months is a milestone and you DID IT!
Great job!

Susan D. said...

Congrats and that is awesome that they send an email! I know it has to be hard to be back at work & keep up with everything! There have definitely been days I needed an "atta-girl." I have made it 7 months today (whoo-hoo!