Thursday, November 11, 2010

Family Time

Tillman & Caden horsing around on the couch. BOYS!!! Millie (my mom) Tillman, Stella and Lily.
G.G., (my grandmother) and Tillman
Visiting Baltimore last week Tillman was able to meet some more family members. Tillman and I traveled up to see my family and have him meet everyone. It was my mom's birthday too, so it was a great trip. We stayed with my sister in Baltimore. She just had another little girl, Stella Dee in June. She is the sweetest little girl with an ever-present smile on her face. She came down with a viral infection affecting her lungs at the end of our visit. Scary!
We spent one day with our cousin, Marian and her handsome cutie Caden who just turned one. It was great to spend a full day with her and our babies. (Reese was certainly missed!) Then we had a wonderful brunch at my aunt and uncle's house to celebrate my mom's birthday. It was so nice to visit with everyone. My grandmother was there and I'm so glad she met Tillman. She is 91 and probably not hopping on a plane anytime soon to the ATL. :(
Tillman also got to meet my dad for the first time, Pop Pop. It was a whirlwind-trip, but worth every minute. Those trips always make me wish I had our own plane that we could fly up there anytime for family events. I miss that.... getting together for everyone's birthday, mother's day, father's day, and holidays.