Thursday, May 5, 2011

TJY - 8 months

This boy is just on the verge of getting into EVERYTHING! He wants everything you have in your hand. Tillman will cry an angry cry if you don't give it to him, and he particularly likes bottles... water bottles, Reese's cups, Hubby's empty Gatorade bottles, my turvis tumbler cups, you name it! He got his first tooth on April 21st and tooth number two popped through on May 1st. Tillman does this interesting thing with his hands when he is excited. He waves them up and down like he is explaining how bumpy his boat ride was. It's so funny to watch. I get a dose of it everyday when I come home from school. I love it! Tillman is wearing 18-month clothes! Tillman is like a runner on a starting block waiting to take off. He is in position to crawl and rocks back and forth like he is going to take off running any second. He prefers to be standing when you hold him. He wants to be standing up against you or something else. He is about to learn that he can pull up on something and stand on his own. His world is about to explode any day now. Once he can figure all this out... watch out! We have to get out our gates again!! Here we go...

Tillman is still so loving and snuggly... he loves to give you big ol' open,wet, slobbery kisses and hugs you too! He loves when Reese is around and laughs hysterically when she plays with him. I have officially stopped nursing, (kinda sad and kinda freeing too) so he is completely bottle fed with baby food too. Tillman loves to take baths and splash around. I love this stage!

 Reese @ 8 months -


kelly said...

OMG, I cannot handle the cuteness. He is such a mush and I can't wait to see him!!

Abbie said...

He looks so handsome!

Karen said...

Oh...I miss him so much. I want a slobbery kiss. Is that weird? : ) And your teacher appreciation flower gifts turned out incredible. What an awesome gift.