Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mommy & Reese @ 21 weeks

I wasn't quite sure if I should ever take a shot like this, but hey why not! It's all pretty amazing how ones body stretches and expands to fit another human body. I'm starting to feel Reese kick and move around in there. It always makes me smile and wonder what she's up to. Does she know that I already love her to pieces!?? I wonder if she knows how many people are excitingly expecting her arrival in August? I wonder if she loves hearing her daddy's voice speaking to her. (like I do)
Well, here we are.
Appropriately, as I was starting this post Brad Paisley's song, The World was playing. To the world, you may be just another girl, but to me, baby, you are the world! You may be one of millions, but you're one in a million to meeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I wonder if Reese knows I am not a good singer???!! HA!!


Marian said...

Looking good :) and I love that you love "Reese" to "pieces".....

Alan said...

Looking Good Mamma!